Rising Light Therapies
natural healing, restoring balance & wellbeing
“we all need healing at different times in our lives”
Jack Kornfield
to Rising Light Therapies
Self-care Health and wellbeing
Please take this opportunity to discover a space for self care, taking time to leave the outside world of ‘stuff’ behind. The beautiful town of Dornoch in the Highlands of Scotland holds a space for you to come to feel energised and rested. I offer a selection of complimentary therapies for healing, health maintenance, performance, restoring balance, and wellbeing.
The sole focus at Rising Light Therapies is to promote self- healing. To improve health and wholeness for the mind, body, and spirit. All therapies are non-invasive, comfortable and are viably effective in alleviating all manner of ailments including pain, discomfort, stress, emotional distress, and anxiety.
the Rising Light Therapies
Healing and Wellbeing
Emmett Technique
To ease discomfort, pain, and injury. Soothe the areas treated, such as back, shoulders, legs, and arms. Emmett Technique can help relieve pain, gain a more restful sleep and enhance mood.
Usui & Karuna Reiki
Can assist to free emotional trauma, a ‘foggy’ mind, stuckness, stress build up, fatigue and anxieties. Utilising Universal Energy to bring a sense of peace and calm.
Access Bars
Removes and declutters the mind of the intensity of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. A down to earth tool to bring clarity and ease into your life.
Light Conversations
Talking is cathartic and can release intense emotional stress which enables you to benefit in many ways.
My approach
I am an independent Reiki Master/Teacher and have many (many) years of experience! Throughout my journey I have accumulated a ‘toolkit’ of healing methods which have not only helped me but I’ve used these to assist countless others along the way. I work intuitively, and sensitively, all treatments and/or consultations are confidential.
Light Conversations
Regardless of where you are at in life, having a conversation will often relieve stress or bring a different realisation. Talking things over with someone outside your circle of friends or family allows you to find solutions they often cannot give. Although they have your best interest at heart, they will often say what you need or want to hear.
take time for you
Sessions at Rising Light Therapies can enable you to
- find a sense of peace and calm, and discover what else is possible.
- feel more at ease within your body with enhanced emotional wellbeing
- enjoy a truly relaxing form of therapy and discover healing
- learn the system of Usui Reiki for self-development, and enhance the quality of life (one-to-one courses)